Technical Sales Undergraduate Badge

Businesses have an increased need for professionals with sales skills; highly technical or intricate products and services require advanced industry and product knowledge.
Program Overview
The technical sales badge will focus on individual and group selling simulations, managing customer relationships, and learning to apply technical language and knowledge in the sales process. It is designed for Seidman College of Business (SCB) students and those who have an interest in sales, including engineering, STEM, and adult professionals.
Prerequisite: completing the sales fundamental badge. This is open and available to those currently enrolled in the SCB by selecting it in Banner. Non-SCB students will need to acquire a permit for each course and maintain a 2.0 GPA.
Mastering the skills and topics in the badge will prepare you to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of advanced principles and techniques of technical sales.
- Apply a technology-oriented approach to sales by leveraging the use of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software and Artificial Intelligence (AI) goals.
- Formulate an effective social selling strategy using social media, technology, and networking tools.
- Illustrate effective communication and presentation skills to optimize sales processes and outcomes.
- Combine advanced skills in problem-solving, trade math, negotiations, and decision-making.
- Develop sales skill competency through classroom practice and role-playing sessions.
What is a Badge?
A digital badge, or badge, is a record of achievement that recognizes a student's completion of a coherent and meaningful academic experience. GVSU offers both credit and non-credit bearing badges as digital credentials. Credit-bearing badges include anywhere from 0.5 to 15 academic credits and may include additional noncredit criteria. Credit-bearing badges are also posted to the academic transcript.
Why Earn a Sales Fundamentals Badge at Grand Valley?
- Practice individual and group selling simulations.
- Learn about a technical field or business to understand the sales process.
- Add highly marketable and desirable skills to your resume for potential employers, while enhancing your education.
- Badges are an efficient way to obtain a specialization, and can be completed in a year.
Admissions to complete a digital badge is open to both degree and nondegree seeking students. If you are not currently a Grand Valley student, start your application here.
For current GVSU students:
- Declare your badge via myBanner. Login to Banner Self-Service, click on Student, Student Records, Add a Certificate or Badge to your Program, Select the appropriate badge from the drop down list, and click Submit.
- Speak with the appropriate badge coordinator to ensure criteria are being met. You will be able to track your progress toward the badge in myPath as well!
- Once you are done with the requirements, apply to receive the badge via myBanner.
- Once the completion of your badge has been verified, the badge will be posted to your student record and will be viewable on your transcript. In addition, your digital badge will be posted on
Location & Format
Students in this program study downtown on the Robert C. Pew Grand Rapids Campus.
Format:- Face To Face
The digital badge is comprised of two three-credit courses, a total of six credits:
- MKT 466 - Advanced Selling
- MKT 490 - Marketing Internship
Helpful Links
For More Information
Seidman College of Business
50 Front
Avenue SW, SCB 3030
(616) 331-7500